EFC Link是谁?


EFC Link(华嗣咨询)是一家服务型人力资源管理解决方案供应商。我们以"专注、高效、细致"的态度,为企业提供公开课、内训、人才招聘、管理咨询等多项综合服务,帮助企业精英人士提高技能、搭建人脉及职业发展平台,竭力推进企业人才发展。
EFC Link is one of the national leading professional human resource management solutions providers. We provide public training, internal training, middle and high-end talent hunting, management consulting and other integrated services for enterprises with a "professional, efficient and accurate" attitude, in order to help elites to enhance their abilities, to build their social network and occupation development platform, and to promote the development of enterprise talents.


EFC Link(华嗣咨询)重点产品,涵盖:Rightraining公开课、Rightraining内训、项目咨询、阿米巴研究院、团队建设、SAC、总裁圈和HRES等多项产品,为企业实现全维度商务扩展!
The eight core products of EFC Link cover: Rightraining(Public Training), Rightraining(internal training), Project Consulting, Amoeba Institute, Team building, SAC, Business Partner Center and HRES, to achieve full dimension business expansion for enterprises!


EFC Link(华嗣咨询)凭借多年行业经验,积累了多行业的数据及案例库,从"为客户节约成本"的角度出发,为客户深入研究并设计定制化的落地型人力资源解决方案,实实在在为客户解决根本性问题。
EFC Link has built a top data base with tens of millions of data resources, combined with a number of independent innovative technologies by many years of industry experience. We make technology and services mix together to design customized human resource solutions in the term of "Saving costs for customers", so as to fundamentally solve the problems for them.


We provide high-quality services for more than 5 thousand customers each year all around the world, including the world's top the leading listed companies.


EFC Link,期待您的加入,共同拓展影响力!
EFC Link, look forward to your joining and expand influence together!